All-City Swim Meet 2003

General Information



Admission is free.  Daily heat sheets will be sold for $6.00 at the spectator entrance.


Awards and Trophies

Final results will be posted on the sandwich board located in front of the pool house.


Medals for 1st, 2nd , and 3rd places and ribbons for 4th – 12th place will be awarded for the individual and relay events on Saturday.  Heat winner ribbons will be awarded through age 12.  Participation ribbons for all 8 and under, 9-10 and 11-12 swimmers will be available on Thursday,  Friday and Saturday.  Participation ribbons for 13-14 and senior swimmers will be available on Saturday upon request at the Awards tent, only while supplies last.  Swimmers who also participated in the All-City Diving Meet are eligible for only one participation ribbon.


High point trophies will be awarded for girls’ and boys’ teams in each age group.  A team trophy will be awarded to the team finishing with the highest total points.  The Pete Christiansen Efficiency Trophy will be awarded to the team with the highest ratio of their total points to their number of All-City swimmers.  A Food Drive Trophy will be awarded to the team contributing the greatest number of items per All-City Swimmer.


Clerk of Course


The Clerk of Course will be staged at the east side of the pool.  As events are called, swimmers should report to the check-in area at the north side of the tent.  Swimmers ages 13 and over do not need to be seated in the staging area for prelims.  Instead, they should check in and walk through the Clerk of Course tent and report to their assigned lanes.  All relays must check in.


Thursday – Preliminary races for swimmers ages 11 and up: Report to the Clerk of Course when you event is called.  Swimmers ages 11-12 will be seated in their assigned heats and lanes.


Friday – Preliminary races for swimmers ages 10 and under.  All events will be staged in the Clerk of Course area.  Swimmers should report for check-in when their event is called.  Each swimmer will be given a sticker or card with his/her name, event, heat and lane number.  Volunteers will seat the swimmers in the appropriate chairs and then transfer them to the starting blocks.  Swimmers should be informed of the importance of these stickers and should take care not to lose them.                                             


Saturday- Finals and all relays:  All swimmers must report to the Clerk of Course area.  Swimmers ages 13 and over in individual events may proceed to their assigned lanes after reporting.  There will be a spot outside of the Clerk of Course area for each team to organize their relays.  Each relay team will be given a card containing event, heat, and lane information.  Only complete relay teams will be allowed to enter the staging area.  We recommend that each team designate a parent volunteer to help each 10 and under relay. 


Announcements for upcoming events will be made over the public address system and people patrolling with a bull horn in the tent areas.  It is the swimmer’s responsibility to the report to the staging area on time.




All-City Swim and Dive clothing may be purchased at the Bucky truck located near the pool entrance.




Food and Beverages will be sold by the High Point Swim Club.  The food tent is located in the parking lot in front of the pool.


Event Schedule


Thursday:  Meet starts at 8:30 am.  Preliminaries for 11 and older individual events.

Friday: Meet starts at 8:30 am  Preliminaries for 8 and under and 9-10 event.


Saturday: Opening ceremony begins at 8:00 am. Meet starts at 8:30 am.  Championship and consolation heats for individual events of all age groups and ALL RELAYS.


Final Results


Final results will be posted on the All-City web site (


First Aid


First aid, provided by UW Health Sports Medicine and others, is located by the Concessions


Lost and Found


Lost and Found items may be claimed or turned in at the Volunteer Table near the Bucky truck.


Opening Ceremonies


The finals on Saturday will begin with the National Anthem, followed by a brief introduction and recognition to the senior swimmers and other notable individuals.  This will begin at 8:00 am




The driveway nearest the pool along with the parking lot will be closed.  There is a designated drop off area in the front of the pool on High Point Rd.  There are handicapped parking stalls at the northwest end of the pool parking lot.  Vehicles parked in the handicapped spots must display valid tags.  High Point Christian Church is open to for public parking in designated areas only.  Vehicles may also park on nearby residential streets.  Obey all street signs.  Vehicles blocking driveways or parking in non-designated areas will be ticketed and towed.   Coaches and officials will have designated spots at the Dean Clinic lot on the far southwest corner along the beltline




The pool house is closed during the All-City meet.  Portable restrooms are located on the pool grounds




Seating for spectators is available in the bleachers surrounding the pool.  Seating for coaches is available on the pier.  Only coaches, officials and authorized personnel will be allowed on the pier.  Only swimmers, coaches, officials and authorized personnel will be allowed on the pool deck.


Service Project


The 2003 All-City Swim Meet swimmers and spectators are asked to contribute non-perishable, unopened food items.   Collection barrels with team labels will be located near the Concession tent.  The team contributing the most items per swimmer will be awarded a traveling trophy for their efforts.  The winner will be announced before the end of the meet on Saturday.  All food items will be donated to the First Harvest Food Pantry for distribution.


Team Tents


The swim team tents are located in the southeast and the northwest corner of the grounds map of the site posted near the spectator entrance, on the web site (, and on page 1 of this program.  Swimmers and parents are asked to keep their areas free of trash throughout the day.




Several cellular telephones,  provided by US Cellular,  are available for complimentary use at the Volunteer tent.  Please limit yourself to brief, local calls.



Weather Emergency


In the event of a weather emergency, the event will be closed and instructions given for finding out when the event will be restarted.  Schedule updates will also be shown in the web site at .  In the event of a fast moving system, emergency shelter will be located in the pool changing areas and showers.


Web Site


The All-City web site, provides information about the 2003 All-City Swim and Dive Meets.  Check out previous meet results, records, and other information about the All-City Swim and Dive League.  The web site will be updated regularly during the meet. 



Each Club is responsible for the conduct of its swimmers.  Any swimmer whose conduct is harmful to others or property will be asked to leave the meet.




Mark your calendars for 2003

All-City Dive Meet: July 28 and 29 hosted by Seminole


All-City Swim Meet: July 31, August 1 and 2, 2003 hosted by High Point