All-City Swim Meet Parking at High Point


Places to Park

1) High Point Church Parking - The map below shows the location of High Point Church, where parking will be available in designated areas.  You will be directed by attendants where to park and there will be a drop off zone in front of the pool.

2) Street Parking - You can park on the neighborhood streets, but only where regularly permitted.  Look carefully for any no parking signs.  Note that many areas along High Point Road have no parking signs posted and the City can and will tow your vehicle if you park there.

Places Not to Park

1) City streets posted with no parking signs.

2) Local Businesses, Apartments & Condos - Do not park in the lots of the local businesses and housing including; Dean West, the apartments across the street from the pool, the strip mall or any other local business.  They need these spots for the residents and for business purposes and you run the risk of tickets or towing.  A short walk will be good for you anyway.