All timers please report to the women’s side of the pool house at the time indicated.
Thursday – 8:00 a.m.
Lane 1–Jane Geier (Westside), E.G. Schramka (Parkcrest), Linda Stoehr (Maple Bluff)
Lane 2–Vicki Masterson (Cherokee), Karen Schlageter (Seminole), Andy/Pat
Sorenson (Nakoma)
Lane 3–Doug Strub (Ridgewood), Carolyn Vukich (Maple Bluff), Nancy WrennBauch
Lane 4–Bill Foust (Shorewood), Marge/Herb Gausewitz (Monona), Peggy Mullee
Lane 5–Jenny Daniels (Westside), Bob Gage (Ridgewood), Sue Perry (Parkcrest)
Lane 6–Maureen Hall (Hill Farm), Ronda Pettey-Kucher (Monona), Gloria Plesha
(High Point)
Lane 7–Mark Hendrickson (Monona), Ann Kronser (High Point), Peter Quigley
Lane 8–Chris Hurley (Hill Farm), Pat Jens (Parkcrest), Kris Thimmesch (Nakoma)
Back-ups: Mary Hall (Seminole), Mike Malestycki
Thursday – at the break
Lane 1- Ann Comillo (Nakoma), Dennis Stone (Parkcrest), Linda Talbot (Cherokee)
Lane 2-Michael Campbell (Westside), Nancy Norcross (Parkcrest), Beth O’Brien
(Maple Bluff)
Lane 3-Dave Drives (Ridgewood), Lori Grinde (Seminole), Jim Morge (Westside)
Lane 4-Pete Jefferson (Seminole), Karen Lenoch (Hill Farm), Steve Smith (Ridgewood)
Lane 5–George Austin (Shorewood), David Sorber (High Point), Martha Vukelich-Austin
Lane 6–Greg Walker (Monona), Mayo Ewandowski (Hill Farm), Gail Walker (Monona)
Lane 7–Laura Doherty (Monona), Nikki Gazvoda (High Point), Judy Richters (Ridgewood)
Lane 8- Curry Gibson (Nakoma), Wanda Stern (Maple Bluff), Jeff Walker (Parkcrest)
Back-ups: Jean Nothnagel(Cherokee), Greg Gilbert (Seminole)
Friday – 8:00 a.m.
Lane 1-Dot Fischer (Seminole), Tom Otterson (Ridgewood), E.G. Schramka (Parkcrest)
Lane 2-Jane Bauer (Nakoma), Bill Miller (Maple Bluff), Claudette Mo (Shorewood)
Lane 3-Deb Elsas (Hill Farm), Gary Hartung (High Point), Laura Selbach (Westside)
Lane 4-Tom Blatter (Seminole), Sue Perry (Parkcrest), Sunny Shubert (Monona)
Lane 5-Cindy Gaston (Ridgewood), Jack O’Meara (Westside), David Saad (Monona)
Lane 6-Jill Dumphy (Shorewood), Susan Flichinger (Nakoma), Leslie Gilbert (Seminole)
Lane 7-Clark Johnson (Parkcrest), Sue Loch (Ridgewood), Eric Postel (Maple Bluff)
Lane 8-Beth Hornung (Cherokee), Dan Millin (Monona), Alice Ntambi (Hill Farm)
Back-ups: Jim Hiveley (Cherokee), Mark Torresani (High Point)
Friday – at the break
Lane 1-Mark/Linda Finger (Cherokee), Rick Mundt (Westside), Shelly Zalewski (Seminole)
Lane 2-George Meier (High Point), Deb Moritz (Shorewood), Kendall Richards (Nakoma)
Lane 3-Russ Denk (Ridgewood), Caeli Houden (Maple Bluff), Tim McClurg (Parkcrest)
Lane 4-Mike Mathews (Hill Farm), Phil McDade (Monona), Mary Kay Zimbrick (Seminole)
Lane 5-Tom Bennwitz (Ridgewood), Peter Lake (Parkcrest), Terry Schaefer (Monona)
Lane 6-Paul Nealey (Shorewood), Gaye O’Brien (Maple Bluff), Bob Olson (Monona)
Lane 7- Elanine Kelch (Nakoma), Steve Ritt (Seminole), Tom Ryan (Cherokee)
Lane 8-Dan Immerfall (Hill Farm), Gerry King (Ridgewood), Lynn Sears (Parkcrest)
Back-ups: Tom Alderson (Westside), Phil Ouellette (High Point)
Saturday – 8:00 a.m.
Lane 1-Greg Allord (Westside), Kim Grint (Cherokee), E.G. Schramka (Parkcrest)
Lane 2-Gail Allen (Hill Farm), Deb Moritz (Shorewood), Clark Solowicz (Ridgewood)
Lane 3-Dave Dill (Seminole), Chris Kronser (High Point), Roger Westmont (Maple Bluff)
Lane 4-Geoff Hudson (Westside), Jeff Jung (Ridgewood), Pat Lund (Parkcrest)
Lane 5-Jim Bauch (Shorewood), Jim Bowen (Monona), Lynn Lund (Parkcrest)
Lane 6-Andy Garcia (Ridgewood), Katherine Reuhl (Maple Bluff), Katie Sekelsky (Nakoma)
Lane 7-Kris Dowse (Monona), Deb Erickson (Seminole), Phil Lohr (Cherokee)
Lane 8-Don Bastian (Nakoma), Sunny Shubert (Monona), Ellen Snodgrass (Seminole)
Back-ups: Judy Gunderson (Hill Farm), Lorrie Meyer (High Point)
Saturday – at the break
Lane 1-David Lewandowski (Hill Farm), Richard Petershack (Maple Bluff), Ralph Zebell
Lane 2-Coleen Hinz (Cherokee), Pat Pointer (Nakoma), Mark Swandby (Westside)
Lane 3-Reg Bruskewitz (Parkcrest), Michael Campbell (Westside), John Norsetter
Lane 4-Greg Dolinsky (Seminole), Tod Nottemeyer (Ridgewood), Oliver Perry (Parkcrest)
Lane 5-Dan Coyne (Monona), Gary Hartung (High Point), Chris Vaughn (Shorewood)
Lane 6-Eric Forslund (Parkcrest), Claudia Meyers (High Point), Janna Richter (Hill Farm)
Lane 7-Barb Handa (Seminole), Art Keleny (Ridgewood), Suzanne Martin (Ridgewood)
Lane 8-Rhonda Bridges (Seminole), Kay Kamps (Nakoma), Phil Otis (Cherokee)
Back-ups: Bill Graf (Monona), Deb Houden (Maple Bluff)